Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Throughout this chapter i learned how closely Communism and Socialism really are. I aslo learned that children who worked during the industrial revolution were treated as harshly as the adults if not worse. And last i learned that one invention lead to many more, all for the improvement of the daily life.

It interests me how the length of life increased when the conditions were so horrible and the places so dirty.
Also it interests me how people came up with so many different ways to live, you would think the goal to have freedom and resitrictions to protect would attract everyone.

I wanna know why communism from its defenition seems like something so harmless yet in the places where it is in affect the conditions are no where near as nice as you would presume.

Connection Across Time

Communism is where everything is owned by the people. There is no private property just like socialism. The main difference with socialism and communism is that with communism there is no government.
Comunism still exists today in China and Russia, from our point of view this way of life seems to be failing.


" Laissez- Faire " also known as "let people do as they please" was a well known phrase during the start of capitilism. Capaitalism is an economic system where money is invested only to make money. Adam Smith the author of The Wealth of Nations was all for Capitalism, it is his ideas and beliefs that are what helped develop Capitalism.

Connection Across Time

Today we have many inventions all designed to help improve our lives in someway.
Solar Panels were first invented in 1882 by Charles Fritts, an american inventor. Charles invention did not show him what the solar panels could do but it was his invention that first could perform the deed.
This invention has changed the world because it has saved us lots of energy. Instead of powering things with electricity we use sunlight, an unlimited resource.

Seed Drill

The Seed Drill
This invention was invented in 1701 after a farmer Jethro Tull was having trouble with his seeds not rooting.
The drill gave farmers control over how deep the seeds were planted and put them in nice neat rows.
This increased crop yeilds. It was this invention that changed how we grow crops today. It helped the overall production that comes out of farms and made it easier.

Spinning Jenny

The Spinning Jenny was invented in 1764 by James Hargreaves.
The name "Spinning Jenny" came from none other then Jame's own daughter. This invention gave spinners a chance to finish a lot faster. Now instead of one string at a time the number of strings changed to eight. Without this invention many of the machines we use to produce clothes could be very different and a lot slower. This process changed the world by making it easy to mass produce.

The Flying Shuttle

Flying Shuttle invented by John Kay in 1733.

This invention helped push the cotton industry into the modern world. It was a boat-shaped piece of wood that would have yarn attached to it as it sped back and forth. A weaver doing this by hand could only do half the work the flying shuttle could do in a day. This changed the world because it cut time in half, allowing workers to get things done faster and more efficiently. If this had not been invented we could still be stitching clothes by hand.

Monday, February 14, 2011


We are currently learning chapter 9.

In this chapter we are learning about the spread of industrialization and the inventions that came with it. Also we are learning about the living conditions of the time period. Finally we are learning about the reforms caused by these great changes. Through this chapter/blog i hope to gain a better understanding of how people lived and how even though the working conditions were horrible it is said their daily life improved.